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/ USGS: Oil & Gas Fields of Asia Pacific / USGS Maps Showing Geology, Oil & Gas Fields of Asia Pacific.iso / pc / ASPAC / METADATA / FAREAST / MAC

Text (6)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
CIT_3FE.MAC Text File 312 12KB 1999-03-09
FLD_3FE.MAC Text File 356 13KB 1999-03-09
GEO_3FE.MAC Text File 710 31KB 1999-03-09
GEO_EFE.MAC Text File 738 32KB 1999-03-09
GRD_3FE.MAC Text File 288 11KB 1999-03-09
PRV_3FE.MAC Text File 423 17KB 1999-03-09